Glorious Mead of the People
- 1 pineapple w/ skin and heart
- lulo (pulpo, it's the only thing I could find)
- orange
- 2 kg of panela
- 2kg honey + 3kg honey
- 1 kg sugar
1st fermentation in batch with must
- lulo
- orange + peel
- pineapple blended + skin peels
- water must taste like saturated lulo
- 2 kg panela + 2kg honey + 1 kg sugar or more honey (hot water and over-saturated syrup, not directly)
2nd fermentation
- until clear and yeast sink to bottom
3rd fermentation
- until flavor improves
- add caramelized (honey + panela) syruo until perfect
- then bottle
1 batch -> 4 wine bottles